About Me

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I am a mommy of one and a domestic Army wife yet my life is far from easy. I have been married just short of 4 years to the most amazing man and soldier a girl could be blessed with. After 3 years stationed in Germany, 2 deployments of a year or longer I find that often energy is very rarely endless. I seek solice in grown-up time, playgroups, and generally staying involved to pass the time. I have found that God is my comfort and He shows me joy in the little things of life that count the most!

Words of Encouragement

Today was PWOC. For those women that don't know, PWOC is Protestant Women of the Chapel an organization designed internationally to connect women to fellowship, bible study and free childcare! I am currently co-leading a study called Cultivating Contentment from the women of faith. It is a time when appearances can be deceiving because although it is a small book with limited to no homework it has endless words and devotions that simply convict and empower those that read it to live a life of love and not complaining. NOT COMPLAINING...that is a loaded statement. The book spent five weeks reiterating over and over and over again the need to direct our complaining to God. Now we are at a place where it is offering a chance to do so. It is a book geared towards small group discussion and this is the part that truly has blessed me and shown me just how much bigger God is than me. If you are military wife you have either done or said "well you think your situation is bad. let me tell you about mine" At the time what seems like a harmless statement can have huge weight on others. OUR words speak so much about ourselves and tell others just how much we care or don't. Believe me I am no where in the same neighborhood as perfect and please dont feel like I am condemning those that have something to say. What I have learned from this study is that we must choose our words wisely and speak positively in to the lives of others no matter how difficult it may be at times. I feel like there is no better image than to look at our children and see ourselves reflected through them.What image is being reflected of you from you children? I know my reflection isn't always worth looking at. I am faulty and so inadequate yet I strive each day to show a little more positive in my words, actions and reflection.

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